Info: First Name * Middle Initial Last Name * Permanent Address (Street, City, State, Zip Code) * Present Address (Street, City, State, Zip Code) Contact Number * Alternate Contact Number Email Address * Are you 16 years or older? * YesNo Are you 18 years or older? * YesNo Employment Desired: Position Desired: First Choice * Position Desired: Second Choice Position Desired: Third Choice Availability to Work:* Please include start and end times of the day(s) you are available. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday What date are you available to start work? * Minimum Hourly Wage Requirement* Have you ever applied for a position with Sundown before?* YesNo If Yes, when and what position? How did you hear about us?* Education & Skills: High School Name and Location * # of Years Attended * Did You Graduate?* YesNo College Name and Location # of Years Attended Did You Graduate? YesNo Area of Studies Do You Ski or Snowboard?* YesNo If yes, how long? Other relevant skills? Please list. Are you a U.S. Citizen or an alien authorized to work in the United States? * YesNo (If hired, documents providing proof of eligibility will be required) Have you been convicted of a felony within the last 7 years? * YesNo (Conviction will not disqualify an applicant from employment.) Are you a member of the National Guards or Reserves? YesNo U.S. Military or Naval Service and Rank Employment History (Start with current or most RECENT Employer) Company Name #1: City and State Supervisor and contact number: May we contact? YesNo Employment Dates: From____ To____ Position: Salary: Reason For Leaving: Duties: Company Name #2: City and State Supervisor and contact number: May we contact? YesNo Employment Dates: From____ To____ Position: Salary: Reason For Leaving: Duties: Company Name #3: City and State Supervisor and contact number: May we contact? YesNo Employment Dates: From____ To____ Position: Salary: Reason For Leaving: Duties: References Give the name of someone not related to you, whom you have known at least one year Reference #1: Name City/State of Residence Phone Number Years Known Reference #2: Name City/State of Residence Phone Number Years Known Do you have any health issues that would prevent you from performing the duties of this position? * YesNo In Case Of Emergency Notify: Name: Relationship: Phone #: “I CERTIFY THAT THE FACTS CONTAINED IN THIS APPLICATION ARE TRUE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTAND THAT, IF EMPLOYED, FALSIFIED STATEMENTS ON THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DISMISSAL. I AUTHORIZE INVESTIGATION OF ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN AND THE REFERENCES LISTED ABOVE TO GIVE YOU ANY AND ALL INFORMATION CONCERNING MY PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT AND ANY PERTINENT INFORMATION THEY MAY HAVE AND RELEASE ALL PARTIES FROM ALL LIABILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE THAT MAY RESULT FROM THIS. I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT, IF HIRED, MY EMPLOYMENT IS FOR NO DEFINITE PERIOD AND MAY, REGARDLESS OF THE DATE OF PAYMENT OF MY WAGES AND SALARY, BE TERMINATED AT ANY TIME WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE AND WITHOUT CAUSE.” Name & date Δ